참어리삽사리 [=울음메뚜기번티기]
Arcyptera coreana Shiraki 1930


몸길이는 약 30-37 ㎜로 비교적 크고 회갈색이다. 수컷(위)의 앞날개와 뒷날개는 전체적으로 검은 색이며 특히 앞날개 끝이 검어서 끝검은메뚜기로 혼동하기 쉽다. 날개 폭은 점차 뒤에서 넓어진다. 암컷(아래)은 더 뚱뚱하고 날개도 짧아 전혀 다른 종처럼 보인다. 중국에도 분포한다.


수컷 (Male)

암컷 (Female)

유충 (Larva)


Original description: Arcyptera coreana Shiraki 1930

  ♂♀. Frontal ridge nearly parallel-sided, in the middle slightly furrowed, in profile slightly convex. Fastigium of vertex somewhat oblique, not longer than broad, obtusely triangular, with an indistinct median carinu1a and very shallow fastigial foveolae. Eyes oval, in profile the front margin nearly straight, with more or less pointed upper and lower angles. Antennae much longer than head and pronotum united.
  Pronotum with the front margin straight and hind margin obtusely angulate. Median keel well developed, in profile feebly convex in the prozona. Lateral margins rounded, incurved in the middle of the prozona, gradually divergent hindwards and less so forwards. Typical sulcus just behind the middle, two front sulci more or less distinct but widely interrupted by the median keel. Lateral lobes of pronotum subquadrate, broader than long, with the margins almost all straight and hind angle nearly right angled.
  Mesosternal lobes broad, separated by an interspace which in the male is about ha1f as wide as one of the lobes and a little broader than its own length, but in the female narrower. Metasternal lobes round, in the male their inner angles touching each other, but in the female the interspace is triangular and divergent hindwards.
  Abdomen rather long, tergites with a median keel which is not developed in 3 posterior tergites of male. Last tergite in male strongly concave behind, but in female very slightly so. Supra-anal plate rather long, narrowly triangularly prolonged behind. Cerci of male very slightly curved, hardly reaching the end of supra-anal plate; of female very short, conical. Subgenital plate of male short, conical.
  Elytra with rounded apex; in male a little beyond the hind femur, with the humeral area moderately inflated and broadest in the middle; in female not reaching the anal end, very narrow. Wings not reaching the apex of elytra.
  General coloration dark brownish. Antennae reddish yellow, with the apex dark colored. Fastigium of vertex brownish at the front margin. Upper portion of pronotal lateral lobes with an ill-defined upper hand dark-colored and two large spots yellowish. Hind femora with 3 black spots on the upper surface, of which the apical one expanded to the inner surface; hind knee black; hind tibiae reddish. with a yellowish subbasal ring. Elytra of male broadly blackish at the apical part; of female with rather numerous blackish spots on the discoidal area, without blackish apical part. Wings deeply infuscated, but anal area rather slightly especially in female.
  Body length ♂ 28-30, ♀ 36; pronotum ♂ 5.5-6, ♀ 7; elytra ♂ 23-25, ♀ 22; hind femora ♂ 17-18, ♀ 21 ㎜.
  This is easily distinguished from fusca Pall. or fusca albogeniculata Ikon., by no lateral keels of pronotum (in the female more or less indistinctly developed) and narrow fastigial foveolae, as well as by more or less indistinctly furrowed facial ridge. Hab. Corea from North to South.

