홀쭉귀뚜라미 [=벙어리귀뚜라미]
Euscyrtus japonicus Shiraki 1930


몸길이는 약 9-12 ㎜이며 연한 황색이다. 성충이 되어도 앞날개가 복부 중앙까지만 덮는다. 뒷날개는 보통 짧지만 드물게 장시형이 나타나기도 한다. 귀뚜라미 종류지만 울지 않는다. 무덤가 등의 낮은 풀밭에 흔하다. 일본에도 분포한다.


암컷 (Female)

서식처 (Habitat)


Original description:
Euscyrtus japonicus Shiraki 1930 Ins. Matsumurana, 4(4): 245, fig. 23A.

  Very closely allied to hemelytrus, but it is easily distinguished from the latter in having 10 internal spines at the posterior tibiae. The author's description (Monogr. Gryll. Formosa, p. 122) requires the following completion:
  Rather small, brownish. Eyes very rather, strongly projecting towards the side; clypeus with a narrow longitudinal furrow; the 1st to 5th joints of maxillary pali gradually lengthened towards the apical ones; pronotum strongly transverse, nearly twice as wide as long; dorsal field of elytra presenting 5 longitudinal veins, two of which emarge from the discoidal vein, the transverse veinlets rather scarce, forming large irregular areolae; anterior tibiae perforated with a large oblong internal and no external tympanum; posterior femora conspicuously exceeding beyond the apex of abdomen, the tibiae armed with 10 internal and 8 external spines; ovipositor longer than body, slightly curved downwards at the apical part.
  Hab.: Japan-Gifu (IX), Tokyo (VIII); Korea-Koryo (VIII).
  Types in the Entomological Museum of Government Research Institute, Taihoku, Formosa.

