여치 [=돼지여치]
Gampsocleis sedakovii obscura (Walker 1869)
Gampsocleis obscura hokusenensis Mori 1933


몸길이는 33-45 ㎜이며 대체로 녹색이고 체격이 뚱뚱하다. 앞날개는 보통 배끝을 넘지 않으며 흑점렬 무늬가 분명하다. 긴날개여치에 비해 앞가슴등판은 폭이 넓다. 수컷은 주로 낮에 가시덤불 사이에 숨어서 '찌르르, 찌르르' 하고 연속적으로 운다. 암컷의 산란관은 아래로 약하게 굽으며 긴날개여치에 비해 비교적 짧고 끝은 절단형이다. 성충이 되면서 강한 육식성을 나타낸다.


수컷 (Male)

암컷 (Female oviposition)

유충 (Larva)


Original description:
Decticus obscurus Walker 1869 Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. 2: 261.

  Male and female. Ferruginous. Head as broad as the prothorax, slightly prominent and rounded between the antennae; front tawny, erect; clypeus blackish on each side; mandibles blackish. Eyes black. Palpi testaceous; third joint of the maxillary much longer than the fourth; fifth subclavate, much longer than the third; third joint of the labial clavate, longer than the second. Prothorax elongate; flat part broader hindward; lateral keels well defined; a transverse furrow near the fore border and two oblique furrows which converge hindward in the disk; vertical part on each side much dilated; hind border slightly rounded. Abdomen brown, paler above. Oviduct black towards the tip, very slightly curved downward, longer than the abdomen. Legs stout: femora with a blackish streak on the outer side; four anterior tibiae with five or six spines on each side and with two or three above; hind tibiae with numerous minute black spines in two rows beneath and with a few above. Fore wings brownish cinereous, extending to the tip of the abdomen, with several blackish spots; veins black. Hind wings cinereous, a little shorter than the fore wings. Var.Β.-Sides of the abdomen with a pale band on the hind border of each segment. Var.Γ.-Head and prothorax testaceous. Prothorax with an irregular blackish stripe along each keel. Wings extending rather beyond the abdomen. Length of the body 13-16 lines.



● Kim JI and Kim TW 2001. Taxonomic review of Korean Tettigoniinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Korean J. Entomol. 31(2): 91-100.