Paratachycines boldyrevi (Uvarov 1926)
Tachycines uenoi Yamasaki 1969


몸길이는 약 15-19 ㎜이며 전체적으로 흐릿한 흑갈색이고 다리는 황갈색이다. 다리와 더듬이가 특히 더 길다. 주로 산지의 어두운 동굴이나 암벽에 서식한다. 유충으로 월동한다. 중국, 러시아에도 분포한다.


암컷 (Female)

허물벗기 (Ecdysis)

유충 (Larva) 


Original description:
Tachycines boldyrevi Uvarov 1926 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9)17: 284.

  ♀. A very uniformly coloured species with the hind femora only very feebly spined below, which makes it intermediate in this respect between the subgenera Tachycines, s. str., and Gymneta, Ad.
  Fastigium of vertex quite depressed, angulately incised. Pronotum distinctly convex in profile, narrowed in front; front margin convex; hind margin very slightly convex. Lateral lobes of mesonotum depressed, broadly rounded-truncate behind. Front coxae with a short, but acute, conical tooth; front femora with a short, mobile, external apical spine; front tibiae with two pairs of spines on the lower margin, and with three apical spurs and a short median spinule. Middle coxae unarmed; middle femora with two apical mobile spines, the hind one being longer; middle tibiae with four spines below, four spurs, and a median apical spinule. Hind femora with four minute spinules below, without the genicular spine; hind tibiae with about 85 densely-placed spines, very indistinct1y separated into small series of two to three spines each, the 60th (approximately) spine, counting from the base, is much larger than others; apex of tibiae with two spinules above, two slightly longer ones below, one short outer spur, and two inner spurs, the upper one of which is slightly shorter than metatarsus. Last abdominal tergite trapezoidal, with the sides incurved and the apex truncate. Supra-anal plate slightly longer than broad, slightly narrowed to the elliptical apex. Subgenital plate longer than broad, narrowly parabolic, feebly convex. Ovipositor with both upper and lower margin slightly curved; apex distinctly recurved; upper valvae strongly narrowed apical1y, but with the immediate apices blunt; lower valvae with the apices moderately narrow, but acute, with about eight scarcely perceptible subapical incisions below.
  Coloration uniform1y dull brown, legs paler, without any markings, tarsi and palpi whitish.
  Length of body 15; pronotum 5.5; front femur 10; front tibia 10.5; middle femur 10; middle tibia 9; hind femur 18; hind tibia 19; ovipositor 13 ㎜.
  Described from one adult female and two female larvae.
  I named this species after my friend Professor V. F. Boldyrev, whose brilliant works on bionomics of Orthoptera are well known and remarkable for the rare combination of scientific accuracy and thoroughness with a vivid, sometimes almost poetical, narrative.
T. boldyrevi differs from all known species already by its very uniform coloration, reminding one of Dolichopoda. It resembles in this respect T. racovitzai Chop., from caves near Tonkin, but that latter species differs from it by the female subgenital plate dentate basally, by the hind legs being longer, and by some details in the armature of legs.
  In the armature of hind femora
T. boldyrevi presents a connecting-link between Tachycines Ad., and Gymneta Ad., because the femoral spinules in my species are smaller and less in number than in Tachycines, but still not absent altogether as it should be in Gymneta; this confirms Chopard's conclusion (Bull. Soc. Ent. France, 1916, p. 158) that the degree of development of the spinules cannot be regarded as more than a subgeneric character.





 Kim JI and Kim TW 2002. Taxonomic study of Korean Stenopelmatoidea (Orthoptera: Ensifera). Korean J. Entomol. 32(3): 141-151.

● Yamasaki T 1969. Results of the Speleological Survey in South Korea 1966 XVII. Cave-dwelling Camel Crickets from South Korea. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. 12(3): 615-621.