검정꼽등이 [=우수리말귀뚜라미]
Paratachycines ussuriensis Storozhenko 1990


몸길이는 약 10-15㎜로 비교적 크기가 작다. 몸 전체는 검은 빛을 띠며 다리는 황갈색이다. 두정돌기는 넓게 둥글며 두드러지지 않는다. 주로 산지 바닥을 돌아다니며 동굴 속에도 서식한다. 일본, 러시아에도 분포한다.


암컷 (Female)

유충 (Larva) 


Original description:
Paratachycines ussuriensis Storozhenko 1990 Ent. Obozr. 69(4): 844, figs. 30-36.

  Tubercles of vertex widely rounded. Foretibia without ventral spines. Foretibia and midtibia with 1 outer and 1 inner ventral spine. Length of forebasitarsus 1.1 times length of 2-4th segments together (without claws). Hindtibia on each side with 48-64 dorsal spines in groups of 4-7 spines. Inner dorsal spur of hindtibia 1.1-1.2 length of hindbasitarsus. Hindbasitarsus equal to 2-4th segment together (without claws), without ventral carina, with hairs. Genital plate in ♂ posteriorly truncate, in ♀ triangular, with pointed apex. Ovipositor relatively short, straight in middle, gradually curved upward; lower half apically shallowly serrated. Dorsal plate square, apically with large protrusions.
  Unicolorous black; pronotum and metanotum shiny, legs and venter dark brown. Ovipositor pale brown.
  Body length of ♂ 10.5-13.7, of ♀ 10.8-15.7; pronotum of ♂ 4.6-5.0, of ♀ 5.0-5.1; forefemur of ♂ 5.8-6.5; of ♀ 6.0-6.3; hindfemur of ♂ 11.9-13.0, of ♀ 12.3-13.1; ovipositor 8.3-8.7 ㎜.



 Kim JI and Kim TW 2002. Taxonomic study of Korean Stenopelmatoidea (Orthoptera: Ensifera). Korean J. Entomol. 32(3): 141-151.