Tetrix macilenta Ichikawa 1993


Storozhenko et al. (1994)에 의해 처음 기록되었다.


Original description: Tetrix macilenta Ichikawa 1993

  Medium-sized, slightly smaller than T. silvicultrix. Head as in T. japonica, but the fastigium of vertex slightly narrower than eye width. Pronotum in frontal view hardly tectate, surface not smooth, front margin truncate, median carinae weakly undulate behind the highest portion, lateral carinae less expressed (though macropterous form with well expressed lateral carinae). Middle femora usually slightly wider than visible part of tegmina, and the other characters of legs as in T. japonica. Wings usually hemimacropterous, apparently longer than the tegmina, rarely macropterous. Ovipositor not thick.
  PL: ♀, 7.0-8.6 (7.95, n=15), ♂, 6.8-8.3 (7.41, n=13) ㎜. PW: ♀, 4.0-4.4 (4.08, n=17), ♂, 3.5-3.9 (3.58, n=13) ㎜. FL: ♀, 6.0-6.7 (6.12, n=17), ♂, 5.0-6.1 (5.61, n=13) ㎜.
  Type series: Holotype, ♀, Mt. Yoshino, Nara Pref., 20.VIII. 1986, A. Ichikawa leg. Paratypes: 25♀, 17♂, same data as for the holotype.
  Biology. The species lives in the mountain paths under sunlight, bi- or multivoltine. Stage of hibernation is probably nymph. Adults are usually found in summer to autumn.
  Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu).
  Remarks. This species resembles
T. japonica, but can be distinguished from the latter by the thinner female ovipositor, the fastigium of vertex narrower than eye width, and the surface of pronotum not smooth. And this species is also similar to T. boliveri (Saulcy, 1901), from which it is separated by the thinner antennae.



● Kim TW and Kim JI 2004. A taxonomic study of Korean Tetrigidae (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Tetrigoidea). Entomological Research 34(4): 261-267.