Tetrix simulans (Bey-Bienko 1929)

몸길이는 약 7-9 ㎜이며 어두운 흑갈색이다. 앞가슴등판은 강하게 위로 솟으며 앞 가장자리는 뾰족하게 앞으로 돌출하여 뒷머리를 덮는다. 단시형과 장시형이 나타난다. 중국, 러시아에도 분포한다.


암컷 (Female) 


Original description: Acrydium simulans Bey-Bienko 1929

  Sretensk, district Sretensk, Transbaicalia, 21. VII. 1927, 2♀♀ (type and paratype).
  Very like to
A. bipunctatum but strongly differs from it in some features, as follows: Frontal ridge seen in profile very feebly prominent, almost straight; longitudinal sulcus of the ridge, when the body is in a horizontal position, practically not visible from the above. Pronotum with strongly prominent anterior angle, with an acute, thin and high median carina; seen in profile median carina rises above the shoulders as high as, or a little higher than, the depth of the lateral lobes; upper margin of the median carina bow-shaped incurved in its whole length; viewed in profile the anterior margin of the pronotum and lateral lobes, from median carina to the hind lower angle of the lobes S-shaped incurved; hind part of the posterior processes of the pronotum not inflated, strongly tectiform. All other morphological features as in A. bipunctatum.
  Coloration probably variable as in
A. bipunctatum; the type is uniformly dirty brownish-grey, with two very feeble and small dark spots in the middle of the pronotum; the paratype is brownish-dark, with two large velvety-black spots on the pronotum.
  Length of body 10, of pronotum 8.8-9, of hind femora 5.7-5.9 ㎜.
  This species is very probably widely distributed in E. Siberia and unquestionably some or all records of
A. bipunctatum from that part of Siberia should refer to A. simulans m. or to the following new species.



● Kostia D 1995. The Tetrigidae (Orthoptera) found in North Korea. Acta zool. cracov 38(2): 257-265.
● Kim TW and Kim JI 2004. A taxonomic study of Korean Tetrigidae (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Tetrigoidea). Entomological Research 34(4): 261-267.