중베짱이 [=먹중베짱이 =북방베짱이 =만주중벳장이 =동방중벳장이 =동양중베짱이]
Tettigonia ussuriana Uvarov 1939


몸길이는 29-35 ㎜이며 전체가 녹색이지만 성숙하면 차츰 연한 갈색으로 변하기도 한다. 앞날개는 후퇴절 무릎 부근에 머물고 폭이 넓어서 긴날개중베짱이와 구분된다. 주로 고지대의 풀밭과 나무 위에 살며 성충은 나방이나 애벌레를 잡아먹는 강한 육식성이다. 수컷은 밤에 나무 위나 풀밭에서 연속적으로 운다. 일본, 러시아에도 분포한다.


수컷 (Male) 

서식처 (Habitat)


Original description:
Tettigonia ussuriana Uvarov 1939 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (11)3: 614.

  ♂. Similar in general appearance to T. cantans (Fuessly), but somewhat larger.
  Fastigium of vertex truncate m front, flattened and distinctly sulcate above.
  Pronotum somewhat saddle-shaped, with the metazona weakly ascending and practically flat; surface of prozona smooth, that of metazona distinctly and densely punctured; posterior margin of metazona weakly bilobate. Prosternal spines long, slender. Mesosternal lobes long, with the apical half attenuate.
  Elytra reaching just beyond hind knees, broad basally and strongly attenuate apically; radial vein branched in the middle. Wings short, and broadly rounded.
  Front and middle femora with a few black spinules on both lower carinae those on the posterior carinae being less numerous. Hind femora relatively short and weak; lower outer carina with about eighteen small black spinules; lower inner with twelve spinules.
  Last abdominal tergite with a moderately deep but broad excision; its lobes triangular, broad. Cercus long. practically straight; its tooth placed shortly before the middle, short, globular, bearing two small teeth under the short pointed apex; basal part of cercus somewhat constricted.
  Coloration light yellowish brown (probably discoloured).
  Described from a male from the river Lian-chi-khe, Maritime province, 22. ix. 1926 (Engelhardt). The type in the Zoological Institute, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Leningrad.
  The measurements of the new species are presented in the following table, parallel with those for two allied species:-





Body length








Hind femur




Elytron, length




Elytron, maximum width




  It can be seen from the table that T. ussuriana occupies in most, measurements an intermediate position between T. cantans and T. orientalis, but it definitely approaches T. cantans in having relatively short hind femur. Another point of resemblance between the two is the punctuation of the pronotal metazona, which in T. orientalis is smooth. On the other hand, the shape of the male elytron, which is strongly narrowed to the parabolic apex, is very similar in T. ussuriana and T. orientalis, while in T. cantans the elytron is weakly narrowed, and its apex considerably broader. This shape of the elytron is reflected in the position of the branching of radial vein, which is beyond the middle in T. cantans and in the middle in the other two species. The shape of the apical abdominal tergite is similar in T. cantans and T. ussuriana, but the cercus of the latter, with its denticulate tooth, is highly peculiar, and leaves no doubt as to specific independence of T. ussuriana.



● Kim JI and Kim TW 2001. Taxonomic review of Korean Tettigoniinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Korean J. Entomol. 31(2): 91-100. 
● Storozhenko SYu. 1994. Review of Orthoptera of Eastern Palearctica: Genus Tettigonia Linnaeus (Tettigoniidae, Tettiginiinae). Far Eastern Ent. 3: 1-20.