Velarifictorus aspersus (Walker 1869)
Gryllodes berthellus Saussure 1877
Scapsipedus mandibularis Saussure 1877


몸길이는 약 13-22 ㎜이며 흑갈색이다. 얼굴은 둥글지만 큰턱이 길게 발달한다. 앞날개는 복부 끝에 못 미치고 뒷날개는 서식지에 따라 단시형과 장시형이 나타난다. 장시형은 활발히 날아다니며 불빛에 이끌린다. 인가 주변, 농경지, 정원의 돌밑에서 볼 수 있다. 일본, 중국에도 분포한다.


수컷 (Male)


Original description:
Gryllus aspersus Walker 1869 Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus. 1: 39. No. 72.

  Female. Testaceous, shining. Head with two black bands; first band on the hind border, intersected by six longitudinal testaceous lines; second broader, between the eyes; two large anterior black spots, cleft in front, the first between the sockets of the antennae. Eyes black. Palpi pale piceous patches and small dots; sides wholly testaceous. Abdomen piceous beneath. Cerci piceous towards the tips, as long as the abdomen. Oviduct a little shorter than the cerci. Legs stout; hind femora obliquely streaked with brown; hind tibiae with five spines on each side. Fore wings tawny, a little shorter than the abdomen, with a testaceous stripe and a piceous stripe along the keel on each side; subcostal space pellucid. Hind wings very short. Length of the body 7 lines.

